What images can I use in my Glogster? What videos can I embed onto my webpage? What words can I include in my report? These are all commonly asked questions, all dealing with Copyright. As our students begin to gather, organize, synthesize and apply information, they need to be aware of intellectual property giving the creator of the work full credit and/or asking permission for it's use. 

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it.
Engineering &Tech: Computers & Internet: copyright
In this BrainPop video, students will learn about Copyright and how to know what is fair to use in research and projects. Students will complete and print quiz after watching the video. Students will also respond to this blog, answering the following questions: 

1. Give an example of Copyright infringement? 
2. Why have Copyright laws? 



    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    March 2012

