ISTE Day Two


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Travel time to Philly from NJ - 20 minutes! I had time for  another cup of coffee while I enjoyed this video being shown on the 40 foot screen in the atrium; genius way to inspire the start of anyone's day, especially a teacher.

Day Two started with a keynote speech, delivered by Will Richardson: This is Not a Unit: Eight Shifts for Every Curriculum. His message focused on how differently teachers need to think when considering how students learn best. Will talked about using devices in the classroom and how we use them to connect to learning - "Two billion people will be connected to the Web by 2011 - 2 billion predictors? OR 2 billion potential teachers from around the world?" He spoke about eight shifts - Shift #1 - DO talk to strangers! This is what I've believed for the past 10 years and I've spent a career defending it. Share your work and self with the world, invite advice and feedback! Teach our students about ethics and safety - embrace new ways of learning. I am ready to have more conversations about these shifts. Our kids are worth it!

Great sessions today around creativity and engaging students in authentic projects. I know I will continue learning and being inspired; passion is overflowing.


Amy Fullerton
07/05/2011 23:03

Isn't ISTE wonderful?
Quite inspiring! Really!
I attended last summer's conference in Denver. The sessions and the speakers open your mind to so many possibilities. You see the direction our world and our educational system is taking and it is truly exciting and inspirational!


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