How many books can I check out? How long can I keep the books? Both great questions, but maybe different answers for some children. My message to students is that "I am getting to know you as a library user, what you like to read, and if you return books". If students have overdue books and know exactly where they are located, it's likely that they can check out more. If a student has overdue books and they are not really sure where they're at, it's likely that these books will be held until overdue books are returned. If a student has an overdue book because they need more time to finish, then time is what they'll get and the opportunity to check out more. It's not likely that a student will be able to check out 3-5 books in the same series at one time. I not likely that a student will be able to check out more books if they already have five checked out.

Book Mobile
Have you seen the Red Radio Flyer wagon (donated by a kind parent) on the main floor of the Tree House? It's next to the elevator with a sign above, Bookmobile. Students can put books in the wagon to be returned to the library for others to enjoy. Each morning I will attempt to fetch the wagon and bring to the fort. Student may also place books in the book drop located under the printer on the check-out counter. At this time, students are able to use the library in the morning, after 9:05 and during recess.

On Monday, the library computer automatically sends an email to parents with children with over due books. Thank you for supporting the library and your child in getting these books returned. If books are lost, please let me know. I will mark the book "lost" so that your child can continue using the library and at that time we'll make a plan for replacement.

Stop by and visit the library and say hi. As I build a relationship with every student, knowing you will be a huge plus! If there are books you'd like me to steer your child towards, . We're a team.




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