The lost and found racks are filled to the brim. As a father who really can't afford to replace lost items, I wanted to take extra steps getting these items (some quite valuable) back to the owners. With the help of talented student photographers, a slide show was created of most items. Please open this post on a web browser so that you can see  all the treasures. Click on the blog photo to visit the slideshow. Lost and Found is also located on the library site under MORE. 

Located in the brick building and Treehouse is the QAE Lost and Loved Couture. Parents, PLEASE visit and claim what is yours.  Materials remaining after a period of time will be donated to Wellsprings Family Service.

As daddy with a daughter who loses more head bands that anyone could imagine, her name goes on everything! Here is where I buy name stickers that don't come off in the wash.

in Partnership with YOU! 

Teacher / Librarian



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